Topics & Guests on Podcast



Audio Only Podcasts

1. Families and Play with Ellen Galinsky (episode 1)

2. Transdisciplinary Play-based Assessment w/ Toni Linder (episode 2)

3. Authentic Assessment w/ Stefano Bagnato (episode 3)

4. Early Childhood Inclusion with Kristie Pretti-Frontczak (episode 4)

5. Creativity with Garrett Weinzierl (episode 5)

6. Early Childhood Inclusion w/ Kurt Kondrich (episode 6)

7. Developmental Screening Assessment with Kevin Marks (episode 7)

8. Puppetry to Support Learning with Mary Jo Huff (episode 8)

9. Infant Mental Health with Robert Gallen (episode 9)

10.Impact of Early Childhood Education and Abecedarian Project with Craig Ramey (episode 10)

11.Developmental Screening Assessment with Frances Page Glascoe (episode 11)

12.Media Considerations for Children with Sam Donaldson (episode 12)

13.Early Literacy with Matt de la Pena (episode 13)

14.Developmental Screening Assessment with Jane Squires (episode 14)

15.Music for Learning and Teaching with Jean Feldman (episode 15)

16.How the Disney Experience Can Inform the Way We Deliver Excellence in Service Delivery to Families and their Children with Lou Mongello (episode 16)

17.“We are the Dinosaurs, Marching. Marching.” Music for Children with Laurie Berkner (episode 17)

18.Music & Movement with Steve Songs (episode 18)

19.Parental Entrepreneurship with Andrea and Cristina Lou Pepper (episode 19)

20.Early Literacy with Natasha Wing (episode 20)

21.Developmentally Appropriate Assessment with Diane Bricker (episode 21)

22.Precision Teaching with Rick Kubina (episode 22)

23.School Safety with Hill Walker (episode 23)

24.Advocacy and Community Resources with Anna Eskamani (episode 24)

25.Healthy Children w/ Shantel Hebert-Magee (episode 25)

26.Role of Environment and Hygge for Children Marie Tourell Soderberg (episode 26)

27.Early Literacy with Jennifer Goldfinger (episode 27)

28.Leadership and the Warrior Spirit with DJ Eagle Bear Vanas (episode 28)

29.Child Find, Help Me Grow, and Screening with Paul Dworkin (episode 29)

30.Community Support for Early Childhood Education with David Lawrence Jr.  (episode 30)

31.Advocacy and Community Resources with Amanda Wilkerson, DeShawn Chapman, and Shalander Samuels (episode 31)

32.Healthy Children (ear, nose, and throat) with Julie Wei (episode 32)

33.Philanthropy for Children and Families with Harris Rosen & Chuck Dziuban (episode 33)

34.Parent Engagement with Arthur Sims (episode 34)

35.Early Childhood Media and Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood with Bill Isler (episode 36)

36. Professional Membership to National Organization (NAEYC) Rhian Evans Allvin (episode 43)



Audio + Video Podcasts

1. Self-care for Adults through Reading with Zibby Owens (episode 37)

2. Early Learning and Literacy with Sylvia Acevedo (episode 38)

3. Effective Communication with Celeste Headlee (episode 39)

4.  Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and Early Literacy with David Dotson (episode 40)

5. Applied Behavior Analysis, Single Subject Research Design, and Children with Autism with Jennifer Ledford (episode 41)

6. Business Classes for Kids with Michael Linden, Olivia Okolue, Tony Orengo (episode 42)

7. Play and LEGOs with Bo Stjerne Thomsen (episode 44)

8. Montessori with Natalie Danner (episode 45)

9.Policies for Children & Families with Chrisanne Gayl (episode 46)

10.Problems with Expelling Children from Early Childhood Education and Practices/Policies to Better Support Children, Families, and Professionals with Walter Gilliam (episode 47)

11.Music for Learning & Teaching w/ Timothy Almon Askew (episode 48)

12.Innovation and Teaching with Al Spain (episode 49)

13.Personalized Learning with Iheoma Iruka (episode 50)

14.Professional Membership to National Organization (NAEYC) Michelle Kang (episode 51)

15.Global Rights of Children and Inclusion with Emer Ring (episode 52)

16.Research in Early Childhood education and Longitudinal Designs with Edward Melhuish (episode 53)

17.Early Childhood Assessment Practices w Scott McConnell (episode 54)

18.Routines-based Interview with Robin McWilliam (episode 55)

19.Reggio Emilia Early Childhood Education Approach with Alessandra Landini (episode 56)

20.Early Childhood Education Personnel Development at Harvard with Danila Crespin Zidovsky & Emily Wiklund Hayhurst from Saul Zaentz Initiative (episode 57)

21.Mentorships with Ann Anderson Berry (episode 58)

22.Mentorships with Ilene Schwartz (episode 59)

23.Mentorships with Micki M. Ostrosky (episode 60)

24.Mentorships with Anne Hillerman (episode 61)

25.Gifted Education and Math with Scott Chamberlin (episode 62)

26.Simple Interactions/Attuned Caregiving with Junlei Li (episode 63)

27. Reggio Emilia inspired atelier in South Africa with atelierista Sarah Browne (episode 64)

28. Authentic assessment with Ehichoya “Ehi” Edokhamhen (episode 65)

29. Parents as Teachers with Jessie Brewster & Ruth Troyanek (episode 66)

30. Early Childhood Education in Norway with Kine Melfald Tveten (episode 67) 

31. Early Childhood Education in Spain with Isabel María Gómez Barreto,  Luisa Losada Puente, & Carlos Montoya-Fernández (episode 68) 

32. Early Childhood Education in Australia with Denise Luscombe (episode 69)