
I recently went to a professional conference. It was my state chapter of the International Literacy Association (ILA). The organization serves literacy teachers PreK to High School.

Teachers, families, and children kicked off the conference Friday evening with fun events. People of all ages enjoyed the art of storytelling by author Mr. Joe Hays. The reading conference had excellent sessions and workshops on Saturday. It was impressive to see large groups of teachers give up part of their weekend for professional development. It got me thinking….

Attending a work conference is a lot like going to a spa. Self-improvement is the focus of both endeavors. At a spa and conference (Spaco) you get pampered. Other people have considered personal comforts and attempted to create a pleasant experience.

There were so many details at my ILA conference the planning committee considered. Meals, decorations, schedule of activities, speakers, vendors, prizes, awards, clock hours/continuing education units, and more were coordinated for the comfort and enjoyment of participants. A special touch at my conference included the creative centerpieces on the tables. Floral vases with artistic flags that had state authors and illustrators were proudly displayed, and given away to participants at the end of the conference.

At a Spaco you get to focus on yourself. Your personal responsibilities related to children, pets, and/or significant other have been left behind so you can pay attention to numero uno.

At a Spaco you choose to go. Nobody is forcing you to attend. In fact, you probably moved heaven and earth to get this chance.

Enjoy your next Spaco experience. You deserve it!