Call it a hiatus, respite, or vacation, but whatever you call it we all need one. The singer and songwriter, Joni Mitchell is also a painter. I watched a documentary where she was describing her process. She compared how she moves from painting to songwriting like a farmer rotating crops. She described how she spends time with each activity and then enjoys the break when it is over. Mitchell's approach is similar to what we do in the teaching profession. We spend time teaching and then we rotate or shift our focus during A.T.T.O. (all that time off).
Educators should not feel lazy if we take time off work. We need time to rotate crops. “Dolce far niente” is an Italian phrase meaning the sweetness of doing nothing. Taking time to enjoy the pleasures in life can make for better teaching. All work and no play is bad for educators. Take time today for dolce far niente.
Pisa, Italia