Do your eyes light up?
“When a child walks in a room, your child or anybody else’s child, do your eyes light up? That’s what they’re looking for.” ~Toni Morrison
Such a provocative question asked by author Toni Morrison. For those of us who have children in our lives, it is a question that can guide our intentions.
Every morning at my daughter’s school, staff greet all children who enter the school house. It is almost like a receiving line at a wedding but here administrators, staff, and community safety leaders welcome children with smiles, “Good Morning!” & hi fives . Such a wonderful start to the day. Greetings are an important ritual that can create a positive climate. Disney does this too when you step on board the ship to set sail on a cruise. They have a staff that clap when names are announced upon entrance.
Do your eyes light up? Absolutely! We are intentional with showing children we care about them.
Lanterns light up the night in Morocco.