Many people walked by and did not stop to help when a young child was in distress. The little girl was in potential danger all by herself in this big world and campus. K.T. was walking on campus at our university when she noticed the child. The little girl was separated from her Mom when K.T. stopped to ask if she needed help. The little girl said her Mom parked her car in the garage that goes “round and round.” They searched parking garages together. They tried to call home, but no answer. After looking for what might have felt like an eternity, the child and her mother were reunited.
How many times do we look the other way when we might be able to be helpful to someone? It is good that people like K.T. are willing stop and help. How can we help children?
· We can give kids the world when we take time to become aware of their needs.
· We can give kids the world when we show we care about them.
· We can give kids the world when we help them when they are in danger.
The way she responded is inspirational. Let’s follow K.T.’s model and Give Kids the World.