
Climb in. The engine’s roaring. These two lanes can take us anywhere. It’s “Thunder Road.” The song. Something exciting starts to happen in my ears and in my heart when I hear Bruce Springsteen belt out the start of the song, “The screen door slams” (Springsteen, 1975). It’s a gutsy invitation.

Chase after that thing you really want. Take action. Do something. Now. No time to waste. In this song, Thunder Road, the narrator seems to be inviting the listener to the chase.

R.S.V.P. is unnecessary. How can the listener not accept his invitation when Springsteen sings, “Oh, come take my hand” (Springsteen, 1975) on the Thunder Road track of Born to Run. Invitation accepted.

Acceptance is moving forward. Avanti. “I got this guitar and I've learned how to make it talk” (Springsteen, 1975) is where he explains in Thunder Road the power of voice and communication. He has learned to use musical tools to express himself. Communicate ideas.

Writers have tools and approaches to expressing themselves in their writing. Finding the right words and then saying them is part of the chase. Chasing thoughts. Chasing words. Chasing down ideas and then playing with them because the engine is roaring loudly and with urgency.

When I write a journal article, the last thing I usually do is develop the title. I wrote about titles and shared how to use a self-assessment strategy when creating the title for a study, as well as other parts of an academic paper (Macy, in press). This writing strategy is something I use with my college students, and I wanted to be able to share it with others to help people find their way to developing a manuscript for an academic audience. The reason I prefer to write the title as one of the last things is because the paper changes during the writing process. Title development is last for me. Songwriter Springsteen shared in an interview on a radio show that he basically does the opposite. Title development is first for him.

He writes the title first, or comes up with a metaphor when starting the writing process. Springsteen shared how the title for Thunder Road was inspired by the 1958 movie with Robert Mitchum. He explained on VH1 Storyteller how inspiration came from the Mitchum film. Thunder Road is the title of the movie, as well as the title he gave his song. Titles!

Another writer known for titles is Agatha Christie. Artifacts are preserved from her writing that are well-known fan favorites and deep cuts. Novelist, Agatha Christie, had a process for creating titles saved in her journals. Christie developed a pictogram for the title of a famous play she wrote in one of her journals. In addition to writing mystery books, Christie also wrote plays to be performed live. The pictogram in her journal showed where she drew three pictures for the title: “Three Blind Mice.” Christie later discovered that there was already an author who used the same words in their title.

What’s a playwright to do? She changed the title from “Three Blind Mice” to “Mousetrap.” Maybe you’ve seen “Mousetrap” on stage or movie? Authors of all types invest thoughtful energy in creating the perfect title.

In academic writing, shorter titles are often favored over longer titles (Ferreira Garcia et al., 2019; Habibzadeh & Yadollahie, 2010; Jamali & Nikzad, 2011; Paiva et al., 2012). What would you use for a title to capture your dream for 2025? Discover what you have to say with a short or long title. In the style of Springsteen, why not start the new year with a brand new journal and write your 2025 title on the cover.

It’s an invitation. My blog this month is an invitation for you to write it down. Goal setting can be part of the journal writing process. For me, I set an intention for 2025 to play more. I’m going to try to pursue play by saying “YES” to playful adventures. For example, I’ve always wanted to learn how to ski. Even though it scares me a little bit, I’m going to ski and play in the snow any chance I get and write about it in my journal.

The title of my journal is, “The Avanti Playbook 2025.” The word avanti in Italian means to go forth. Keep moving forward with a smile and amore in the heart. The word "play" can be a verb or noun. When we play we are engaging in an activity for enjoyment and recreation. Many children experience play deficits in their young lives. It is necessary for adults to honor and promote play.  Not just for children, but for ourselves too as my former student Kelcie Burke wrote in her guest blog for BUTTERCUP last month. Thank you, Kelcie. How do you define play? What does it look like when you play? What do you notice when you observe children playing? How about you? What say you, my friend? Do you have a playful goal(s) for 2025?

Write it down. I invite you to think about this new year and chase your dreams no matter how big or small with journal writing. “And I know you're lonely for words that I ain't spoken” (Springsteen, 1975) shows how hard it can be to speak or communicate the things that are important. Maybe the words don’t come easily. Maybe it’s fear of rejection. Maybe there are no words to truly capture what it is the writer means to say. In the journal you can create the meaning with the words chosen. The words can be revised again and again. Writing can be a solitary act and different from speaking aloud to someone. When writing, you only have yourself and nobody interrupts as the ideas enter and you get them written. You’re in the driver’s seat.

Cue the harmonica. What else can we do now except roll down the window and start writing …“with a chance to make it good somehow” (Springsteen, 1975).

Objects are like treasures that Agatha Christie wrote about with rich descriptions in her stories. Christie was married to an archeologist. She met her second husband on a dig where Christie presumably fell in love with him and ancient objects. The journal in the picture above is one of my objects of affection. My kind friend made this journal for me for my birthday out of pages of books/sheet music, vintage oilcloth, crushed velvet, and an antique Italian map. She stitched this mosaic together to form the cover pages using her sewing machine. Grazie mille, amica! I take this treasured journal with me when I travel to Italy.

A selfie with Agatha Christie near Piccadilly Circus in London, England.

A version of this blog post appears in Behind the Paper from Springer Nature.


Ferreira Garcia, D. C., Chaves Gattaz, C., & Chaves Gattaz, N. (2019). The relevance of title, abstract and keywords for scientific paper writing. RAC: Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 23(3), 453. https://doi-org.libproxy.uwyo.edu/10.1590/1982-7849rac2019190178

Habibzadeh, F., & Yadollahie, M. (2010). Are shorter titles more attractive for citations? Cross-sectional study of 22 scientific journals. Croation Medical Journal, 51(2), 165-170. https://doi.org/10.3325/cmj.2010.51.165

Jamali, H. R., & Nikzad, M. (2011). Article title type and its relation with the number of downloads and citations. Scientometrics, 88(2), 653-661. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-011-0412-z

Macy, M. (in press). A self-assessment strategy for writing and publishing a quantitative research article. Early Childhood Education Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-024-01829-z.  Published online before print December 20, 2024.

Paiva, C. E., Lima, J. P. da S. N., & Paiva, B. S. R. (2012). Articles with short titles describing the results are cited more often. Clinics, 67(5), 509-513. https://doi.org/10.6061/clinics/2012(05)17

Springsteen, B. (1975). Thunder road [song]. On Born to Run. Columbia; Sony.

Looking forward to 2025. Avanti.

Finding YOUR Play

She has been studying play. Her thesis was about teachers’ views on play in the curriculum. Now she shifts her attention to well being in the early childhood educator workforce. Teachers need play too. Go have fun and read this blog by the magnificent Kelcie Burke who is our guest blogger this month.

Finding YOUR Play

Recently, I went on a trip with my extended family, and it reminded me about the importance of play across all ages. Now I don’t mean the playing you may be picturing with toys or that children are seen engaging in. I am talking about finding your play as an adult.

This recent trip included family members aged 82 to 5 months old. During and upon reflection of the trip I saw every person engaging in ‘play’. Some more literally than others. This trip provided my family with the opportunity to connect with one another in an environment that encouraged what I would call adult play. There were no jobs to worry about, just freedom to explore the environment we were in, observe our surroundings, try new things, and most importantly be present with one another.

This is at the same amusement park my mom played at as a kid

Those traits are not only hallmarks of play in early childhood where children are using playful activities to learn about themselves, their peers, and the environment, but also can be considered play in adulthood. Play as an adult is about finding joy in life through participating in activities that bring you happiness. This is a secret ingredient in life. Playing with friends and family provides a sense of fulfillment in the adult years, helps reduce and relieve stress, and creates more meaningful relationships.

There is an uncontested need for play in early childhood education for development, but what is less advocated for is the need for play in adulthood. Play in adulthood looks undeniable different from play in childhood, but it is no less important. Some people may find ‘play’ in hiking while others may ‘play’ by crafting.

In his book “Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul” author Stuart Brown with co-author Christopher Vaughan provides a vignette of a woman that was feeling deeply dissatisfied with her very lucrative job and life in general until she thought about what things she did in childhood that made her feel happy. She realized upon reflecting on her ‘play history’ that riding horses brought her undeniable joy. Once she reincorporated horseback riding into her routine her fulfillment was restored. This is the power of play. We may call it ‘stress relief’, ‘me time’, ‘seeing friends’, ‘vacation’, or any other name but at its heart it is play.

I encourage each of you to find the play in your life and engage in it often!

Reference: Brown, Stuart L, and Christopher C Vaughan. Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul. New York, Avery, 2009.

Playtime is good for children and adults.

“Finding YOUR Play” was written by guest blogger, Kelcie Burke.

Bio: My name is Kelcie Burke I am a first year PhD student at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln working on a doctorate in Human Sciences specializing in Child Development/Early Childhood Education. I have had a passion for working with families and children since my undergraduate years. I am a play researcher and advocate with interests in the use of play for learning and development as well as teacher practices.

Kelcie Burke in her university lab school.

Play More!

 A blank slate. A new year lays in front of us. Happy New Year! What are your plans for 2023? More play every day! That is my plan for 2023… to play more. Last year, my co-authors and I published our curriculum-based assessment. The AEPS-3 (Bricker et al., 2022) covers 8 areas (i.e., adaptive, cognitive, communication, fine motor, gross motor, social emotional, literacy and math) where play could be embedded into the assessment, as well as the curriculum and instruction. I have been interested in play-based assessment since I was a doctoral student and created an approach for my dissertation study using play as the context for assessing young children to determine if toddlers are eligible for early intervention (IDEA, Part C). I’m guessing if you are reading this blog, you too are interested in play.

 As early childhood educators, we value play for children. However, what about us?! We are good at observing children at play. We know what child’s play looks and sounds like. But what do we know about adult play? Would we know it if we saw it?

Maybe here is how you know it is play…. One more! You know you are at play when you: (a) want to do more of it, (b) look at the time and you’re surprised at how fast time went by when you were engaged in the activity, and (c) the memory of it when it’s over makes you smile, giggle, and best of all belly laugh! Play can be one more chapter in that book you’re reading for fun, one more lap before going in from a sweaty run, one more page for the scrapbook, one more topic on a long phone call with a friend, one more row of knitting before putting the ball of yarn back into the basket. One more! That’s it. Simple. You want more of it. Play! It’s so good for us!

Do we forget how to play when we age? Children understand play. They know what to do! Sometimes it seems like children are from a completely different planet from us. We can try and take their perspective when it comes to play. Dr. Stuart Brown has a TedTalk focused on play where he introduces the concept of neoteny which is basically taking a childlike playful approach to life.

Neoteny! One way we can focus on neoteny and become more playful is to find a picture of ourselves doing something that brought us joy during play. Use the picture as a visual reminder. Put the picture of play on cell phone and every time we look at our phone we see the picture of ourselves engaged in play.

 Here is the picture I currently have on my phone to remind me about my 2023 goal to play more.

Photo taken by Hannah Gaebel Dorn.

This wallpaper reminds me every time I look at my phone to be playful with my family. During the holidays, I hired a photographer to take family photographs. We met Hannah on campus and she took beautiful pictures before sunset. I brought along a prop for our new antelope statue. Our campus mascot turned into Rudolph briefly with the red nose prop I brought from home. When we were done taking pictures and ready to leave, my husband placed the red nose on his face. We laughed so hard at his spontaneous playfulness. Now every time I look at my phone, I’m reminded of how much joy this play created in our family. Neoteny!

One more lap? YES! One more page? YES!! One more red nose? YES!!! Saying heck YAY to PLAY in 2023!


Bricker, D., Dionne, C., Grisham, J., Johnson, J.J., Macy, M., Slentz, K., & Waddell, M. (2022). Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children, Third Edition (AEPS®- 3). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.

Photo taken by Hannah Gaebel Dorn.

Photo taken by Hannah Gaebel Dorn.

Play Goals

Play skills are an important part of a child’s growth and development. Play is meant to be fun, however in group settings play can be difficult for children. One of the things that might make play a challenge for young children is being able to navigate the environment and social interactions with adults and peers during free play time. “For some children, self-direction is not a problem, but for some children with special needs, especially those with autism, self-direction in relation to play and leisure time may be difficult” (Sundberg, 2008, p. 143).

After observing a child and conducting an assessment, we can create play goals for a child. It would be helpful to select the skills where the child shows emergent behaviors in this area of development.

If a child is having difficulty with self-directed play, here are some instructional targets with corresponding behavioral objectives. Here are some possible play goals for “Marisa” (Bricker et al. 2022). 

1.      During free play time with peers, Marisa will use language to initiate a social interaction with peers at least once a day using words, gestures, motor actions, communication board, and/or cards.

2.      During free play time with peers, Marisa will use language to sustain a social interaction with peers at least once a day using words, gestures, motor actions, communication board, and/or cards.

3.      During free play time, Marisa will use conversational rules when communicating with adults in at least one communicative exchange daily.

4.      During free play time, Marisa will use conversational rules when communicating with peers in at least one communicative exchange daily.

5.      During free play time, Marisa will communicate personal likes and/or dislikes using either verbal or non-verbal strategies with adults and peers.

Once the goals have been created for the child, Marisa, the next phase is for educators to implement instruction/intervention to help the child reach their goals. Mr. Fred Rogers said, “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” We can support children as they learn to engage in self-directed play by creating goals for play and then monitoring how the child is responding.



“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.”~Mr. Rogers


Bricker, D., Dionne, C., Grisham, J., Johnson, J.J., Macy, M., Slentz, K., & Waddell, M. (2022). Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children, Third Edition (AEPS®-3). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.

Sundberg, M. L. (2008). Verbal behavior milestones assessment and placement program. Concord, CA: AVB Press.

Homemade Play-dough

play-doh in bowl.jpeg

The power of play-dough cannot be underestimated in keeping little hands busy, but did you know there are developmental benefits children get from playing with play-dough?

Here are some potential benefits of playing with play-dough.

Fine motor- making a recipe and manipulating the dough builds children’s eye hand coordination. They use their fingers and hands in child directed play.

Cognitive- children can make the play-dough from a recipe to practice math when they measure ingredients. They use their problem solving skills to experiment and discover what they can do. Children can create cool things with their dough. Children exercise their imagination when playing and creating.

Communication- children use their receptive language skills to understand what others are saying when they do the activity with others, and use their expressive language skills when the communicate with others.

play-doh ingredients.jpeg

Here is my favorite recipe for homemade play-dough with only 4 simple ingredients.

2 cups flour

1/2 cup salt

2 teaspoons of vegetable oil

1/2-3/4  warm water

Do this: Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Then add the oil and water. If you want, you can add essential oil and/or food coloring.

Have fun with children when making and playing with homemade play-dough.

Lavender scented play-dough

Lavender scented play-dough

Things to Consider as a Result of COVID-19

The vice provost of our university’s digital learning program, Dr. Thomas Cavanagh, wrote on Twitter that one of the lessons he has learned recently from this national experiment in remote teaching is that it is impossible to over-communicate.

I’m reminded of this lesson daily about communication. Effective communication is imperative even though we are physically distant from one another as we move our work to a virtual/remote format. The world has changed so much since the last time I wrote a blog entry. It feels like 327 years ago…but it was only about a month ago on March 1, 2020 when I was writing about bulletin boards.

A global pandemic has changed all of our lives. For me, I’m healthy and safe at home with my family. Yay! I am extremely grateful. The quarantine has been going well. I get to work from home teaching adults who are working on their undergraduate and graduate degrees in Child Development and Early Education. COVID-19 has changed how I interact and teach my students. I’m lucky to have the support and resources of my university to teach online.

In addition to the physical space, another thing that has changed for me is my work attire. I’ve added a new accessory to my work-from-home wardrobe. Virtual classroom teaching and virtual office hours attire for me now includes mouse ears. Yup, that’s me….

Marisa Macy

Marisa Macy

I love my students and I love Disney so I’ve tried to stay positive by signaling happiness with the way I dress for virtual teaching. Luckily I have several sets of ears between my Disney wardrobe and my family’s wardrobe that they have agreed to share with me. Thank you, fam! Here’s a picture I took a while back at a store in Disney Springs where I shop for mouse ears. I am looking forward to the day I can go back there and shop.

Mouse Ears.jpeg

Another lesson that I’ve learned during this move to a virtual/remote format is how valuable it is to connect with people. Some ways I’ve been staying connected with others is through electronic communication, video conferencing, and phone calls. I haven’t talked this much on the phone since I was a teenager.

This global pandemic has been challenging for everyone. For my college students it has been rough on them in many ways. Students may not have the equipment and/or resources at home to fully function in an online capacity. Many students have had their final field experience disrupted and moved to a virtual/remote format. Several of my students did not even get a chance to say goodbye to the children they had been working with all semester which has been heartbreaking for them. Graduation celebrations have been postponed or canceled. I feel terrible that students may not get to experience the joy of walking across the stage at graduation and shaking our Dean’s hand at commencement. I’m so sorry for these and other things that are being missed out on as a result of the quarantine.

With so many things that have changed as a result of moving to remote/virtual format, we may find ourselves using time differently. Quarantine time may be an opportunity to add some professional activities that were hard to find time for before the global pandemic. I created this list with the help of my spring 2020 practicum students (thank you CB, JC, NF, EK, EP, KT, and JV … you guys have been such a pleasure getting to know better this semester!).

Here are things to consider if you are looking for ways to experience gratitude,  learn, and grow during COVID-19.

1.   Make a smile file. A recipe box with index cards are where I add things that happen I want to remember that make me happy. Here is an example of something that happened to me that is on an index card in my Smile File. What would you add to your file?

2.   Create a parent newsletter.

3.   Develop or revise program/agency handbook.

4.   Find ways to communicate with children and/or parents using other modalities. Learn or work on proficiency in other languages to include sign language.

5.  Create a resource list or binder.

6.  Work on curriculum or curricular enhancements.

7.   Attend virtual meetings, workshops, and/or trainings.

8.  Write reflection paper. Storyboard your ideas and experiences.

9.  Make a virtual bulletin board or design your future spaces.

10. Watch video clips on skills like positive behavior supports and other topics that enrich professional development.

11. Communicate with parents. Share tips and/or activities they can do with their child during quarantine.

12. Collaborate with related specialists (e.g., speech language pathologist, therapists, other), if applicable.

13. Set up a time to check in with others on a regular basis.

14. Participate in webinars that pertain to Early Education. I’ll be doing one on authentic assessment in May for Brookes Publishing. Stay tuned….

15. Make a parent letter/video/song/other of what parents can do at home with their children while they are away from school.

16. Look up different ideas and hands on activities to do with children. Here is an example of an art activity I love to do with my daughter.

17. Research and make program brochure.

18. Learn and use tools to implement developmental activities.

19. Create developmentally appropriate resources for parents to use during the COVID-19 quarantine.

This historical time in our lives is an opportunity for us to grow together. Right before the quarantine, I interviewed Mr. Bill Isler for the Buttercup iTunes show. Mr. Isler ran the Fred Rogers Productions Company and contributed and appears in the Tom Hanks movie about Mr. Rogers entitled, “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” (2019).

Mr. Bill Isler

Mr. Bill Isler

Mr. Isler shared some wonderful stories about his time with Mr. Rogers. One thing Mr. Rogers encouraged children to do is talk about their feelings and look for the helpers. Children and adults could all benefit by remembering kindness during these times and look for ways to not only survive but thrive during this difficult time. We will get through this together. Stay safe, stay connected, and look for the helpers, and/or become a helper. Wishing you good health!  

See ya real soon. Charge on!

Seize the Play

Play patterns change across childhood. At seven, my daughter plays differently than she did at 3 years old. I wanted to learn more about her ideas on play. Here is an interview I did with her.

 Me: What makes play fun?

Adriana: If you’re smiling, that means you’re having fun.

 Me: Do you need toys or electronics to play?

Adriana: No. I like to play with dirt at recess. But I do like toys and electronics for playing, though.

 Me: What is the best part of play?

Adriana: The part where everybody is happy. Or the part where everything is going wrong and we get a solution for it. 

 Me: How do you know you’re playing?

Adriana: If it is fun. I call spelling fun. Spelling tests are playing for me. Same thing for recess and at home. 

 Me: What do grown-ups need to know about play?

Adriana: They need to know the whole list of games like: hide-n-see, jump rope, hopscotch, hula hooping, hand games, Red Rover, and soccer.

Today, seize the play! Side effects may include: joy, giddiness, and general awesomeness.



If you travel for work, why not extend your trip for leisure?

Business + Leisure = Bleisure.

Last year we had 72 million people travel through our Orlando airport, according to the Orlando Sentinel. Many of those travelers were experiencing a happy case of bleisure. Here are some ideas for you in how to spend the leisure part of your bleisure if you are fortunate enough to travel to Orlando, Florida.

Winter Park

If you like to shop, then visit Park Avenue in Winter Park. The main street has over 100 boutiques. The oak trees will offer you plenty of shade as you meander your way to a quaint café for a bite to eat or sip of espresso. Throughout the year there are events that are sure to please you and your family. One of my family favorite events is the WUCF PBS Kids “Be My Neighbor Day” celebrating Mr. Fred Rogers who attended college in this area. 

Vero Beach

Many people who come to Orlando think of theme parks, but just a short drive from the hustle and bustle of the attractions is the Atlantic Ocean. Vero Beach is a great place to unwind after corporate travel. Vero Beach is a welcoming community with sandy beaches, palm trees, and a variety of bird species. If you come at the right time of the year, you might be able to catch a glimpse of loggerhead sea turtles laying their eggs on the beach. Nature tours are a great way to learn more about this unique ecosystem during your bleisure trip.

Vero Beach, Florida

Vero Beach, Florida

Space Coast

While you are at Vero Beach, head north up the road and experience the Space Coast of Florida. The Kennedy Space Center offers many things to see and do. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, cruise ships, beaches, NASA, and rocket launches… oh my. Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezo’s Blue Origin are actively dominating the Space Coast scene.

Space Coast Florida

Space Coast Florida

U-pick Fruit Farm

The subtropical climate in central Florida is a paradise for fruit lovers. Discover citrus groves and pick your own fruit. Find a hydroponic garden and you might not even get dirty when you pick your own fresh fruit. “A Patch of Blue” is an urban hydroponic community farm near Winter Park that grows blueberries to pick during April and May, and strawberries from January to May.

Hydroponic U-pick Farm

Hydroponic U-pick Farm

Downtown Public Library

Since the 1960s, the Orlando Public Library has been located in downtown Orlando. The design of this building was called, "composition in monolithic concrete” by the architect John M. Johansen. The Orlando Public Library is the headquarters for the entire award winning Orange County Library System (OCLS). There are many branch library locations throughout the county. OCLS received the National Medal for Museum and Library Service which is the highest honor possible in America. When you visit this big urban library enjoy exploring all the floors. It wouldn’t be Orlando without a gift shop for you to take home a memorable souvenir before you leave. 

Bleisure is on the rise (Jain, 2018; Easen, 2017; Habtemariam, 2018; Lichy & McLeay, 2018). Wander your way around “City Beautiful” and make some great bleisure memories to last a lifetime. Treat yourself to extra time and play!!!


  1. Easen, N. (2017). Playing away. Buying Business Travel, 85, 28-31.
  2. Habtemariam, D. (2018). More than two-thirds of business travelers embrace bleisure. Business Travel News, 35(5), 6.
  3. Jain, A. (2018). Business, leisure or 'bleisure'?. Hotel Management, 233(6), 26-26.
  4. Lichy, J., & McLeay, F. (2018). Bleisure: Motivations and typologies. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(4), 517-530.

Just Add Bubbles

They are easy to make!

They are fun!

They are happy little memory makers!



I am talking about bubbles. It is easy to be in a good mood when bubbles are present! A fun project to do with a child, or group of children, is make homemade bubbles.

In a clean bowl, mix together: water, corn syrup, and liquid Dawn (recipe below). Other liquid detergents could be used for the bubble mix recipe, but I’ve found Dawn makes the best bubbles.

Recycled materials can be used as containers for each child’s individual bubble kit. Children can decorate their containers. Pour the bubble mix into clean containers like plastic bottles or plastic jars (e.g., from yogurt or other food items). Pipe cleaners and/or plastic spoons with holes could be created to dip into the container and into the bubble mix… and then blow.

Watch bubbles float through air.

Watch as children try to catch and pop the bubbles.

Watch your children have fun making memories through the universal language of bubbles.

Bubble Mix Recipe:
6 cups of water
1 cup of corn syrup
2 cups of Dawn liquid


Paper Airplanes

Something as simple as folding a piece of paper can be an adventure. Making and flying paper airplanes can be a fun activity for children and adults. Ms. Marie Tourell Søderberg, a guest on my iTunes show, talked about the benefits of following a child’s lead during play. She gave an example of a child being interested in paper airplanes and spending the afternoon engaged in exploring paper airplanes.


Here are some steps to making a paper airplane if it has been a while since you made one. To make a basic dart paper airplane, start with a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half the long way (hot dog style). Unfold. Next, fold 2 corners into the crease to form a point. Then take the 2 new corners to create a wing by folding it into the same crease. Now fold your plane in half. The last step is to fold the wings.


This easy paper folding activity can be used for artistic expression. Children can design and decorate their paper airplane. It can be used before taking a trip in an actual airplane to talk about what to expect on their trip. Allow children the opportunity to experiment with their airplane. They can send their paper airplane through space. Distance, time, speed, and more can be observed. Flying the paper airplane and doing acrobats allows children to see math and science concepts come to life. Leonardo da Vinci said, “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” Let their imagination take flight with this simple paper folding activity.


Communities of Play Innovation

Cities that promote play are at an economic advantage because people want to live, work, spend time and money in positive play environments. A sense of community can be established when families and children are able to play in public locations (Ehrenhalt, 2014). Play deserts occur in places where children have limited play opportunities. Crime, community facilities, and obesity are some of the factors leading to play deserts (Sharaievska, 2014). Location may also hinder opportunities for play. At least four things are needed to create communities of play.

#1) Safety. The basic ingredient for play is that it must be safe. Communities of play are environments where great care has been taken to ensure children are protected from harm. Safe play communities have low or no crime.

#2) Clean and welcoming facilities. Families seeking play communities for their children want clean spaces that are attractive and welcoming. The well-being of children is maximized when there are facilities conducive to play. Clean water, playgrounds, spaces, equipment, toys, and more are needed to attract children and families (Juster & Leichter-Saxby, 2014). 

#3) Access. Play environments must be accessible to people with diverse abilities. In my community, we recently renovated our community playground so that it could be more accessible to children with motor delays and people who use wheelchairs. The results have been more inclusive play for all our children. Such a valuable investment.

Access to play communities that are close to home and work are necessary to making play a priority for families. Schedules are busy and there are many things to do each day which may push opportunities for play to the bottom of the to-do list. Families do not need an extra errand to transport children far away to play.Community planning is necessary for the development and maintenance of play communities. 

#4) Supervision. Children require adult supervision. Parents, grandparents, family members, teachers, parks and rec staff, city employees paid to supervise community activities, and other adults designated to ensure the safety and well-being of children are necessary to play communities. Public spaces for play should be managed by qualified adults trained to properly supervise children.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states in Article 31 that children have the right to: “rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.” Children benefit when they are able to play in safe, clean, accessible, and supervised environments. Childhood is enhanced where there are nurturing and caring communities of play.

"I Spy with My Little Eye" playground.

"I Spy with My Little Eye" playground.



Ehrenhalt, A. a. (2014). Cities, families and places to play. Governing, 27(7), 14-16

Juster, A. H., & Leichter-Saxby, M. (2014). Citizens at play: Children's participation through community-based opportunities for child-directed play. Global Studies Of Childhood, 4(2), 77

Sharaievska, I. (2014). Family leisure and the play desert. Parks & Recreation, 49(8), 36-37.

What's New?

Happy New Year! I hope your new year is off to a great start. In 2018, my colleagues and I will be putting the finishing touches on the new edition of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS®).

We have been working on the AEPS®-3 since 2005 and I’m thrilled to see it going into production. Early childhood professionals can benefit from having a measure to assess young children that also links to a curriculum that could be used during play and routines. The AEPS®-3 Family component can be used to create positive and engaging partnerships with parents. Some of the most exciting new things in the AEPS®-3 are the early childhood math and reading areas.

Listen in to my iTunes show to hear a conversation with the pioneer of the AEPS® Dr. Diane Bricker (pictured below) talk about how she got started in our field, early childhood theoretical perspectives based on the work of Skinner and Piaget, and the influences and impact of her work in the area of early childhood assessment. 

If you would like professional development on the new AEPS®-3, start now. You can email me at marisamacy@gmail.com to begin. Wishing you all the best in 2018!

Left row: Carmen Dionne (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières), Amy Perkins (Brookes Publishing), Naomi Rahn (Wisconsin DOE), Diane Bricker (University of Oregon), that's me in green - Marisa Macy (University of Central Florida), and I-Ching Chen (…

Left row: Carmen Dionne (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières), Amy Perkins (Brookes Publishing), Naomi Rahn (Wisconsin DOE), Diane Bricker (University of Oregon), that's me in green - Marisa Macy (University of Central Florida), and I-Ching Chen (Kent State University). Right row: Sarah Zerofsky (Brookes Publishing), Misti Waddell (University of Oregon),  Jennifer Grisham-Brown (University of Kentucky),  Joann Johnson (St. Cloud University), and Heather Shrestha (Brookes Publishing)


Below is a PDF of our “Sneak Preview” my co-authors and I presented at a national conference. 



Dads and Play

Dads benefit when they play with their children. Researchers studied fathers and found there were no differences in testosterone levels, but there was a decrease in cortisol and prolactin in fathers after just a half hour of playing with their children. This study suggests fathers experience hormonal responses when playing with their children (Gettler et al., 2011). Playing with children can decrease stress, be lots of fun, and create wonderful memories. 

Play is good for Dads!

My playspiration is my Dad! When he plays with children in our family, my Dad is totally engaged and present in the moment. His granddaughter reminded me that the last time Nonno was at our house they played hide-n-seek for “lots of hours.” True! It was probably about two hours without a break. 

My Dad believes play is important. Places to play are important too. When I was little my Dad built me a playhouse in our backyard. After putting in a full day’s work, he would come home and work on the playhouse until everyone went to sleep.

The Playhouse Nonno Built 

The Playhouse Nonno Built 

Thank you for being my Dad! Also, thank you for making PLAY an important part of our life together. I love you, Dad! 

Happy Father's Day to all Dads this Sunday. 


Source: Gettler, L. T., McDade, T. W., Agustin, S. S., & Kuzawa, C. W. (2011). Short-term changes in fathers' hormones during father–child play: Impacts of paternal attitudes and experience. Hormones & Behavior, 60, 599-606.

Dapper Days

Playing dress up is an activity many children enjoy. Early childhood programs often include a socio-dramatic play area or center in America. On a recent trip to Disney World I saw people of all ages engaging in the fun of dress up on "Dapper Day." Twice a year guests arrive at the Disney gates dressed to the nines. How fun to see that some "grown-ups" have not outgrown this playful part of childhood. 

Horse Play

“Giddy up!” Kids have a field day at events that are novel for them. Getting out of the routine to do something different gives children unique experiences to talk about, as well as exposure to new concepts to expand their understanding about the world around them. New vocabulary and language opportunities are included.

The Future Farmers of America (FFA) organized an outdoor event for children in my area. It was a rodeo. No experience required! Children got to participate in activities like races with wooden stick horses. Navigating around barrels and other obstacles with their horse was a fun way for children to problem solve, get exercise, and breathe fresh air. Opportunities for social development occurred during horse play with peers.  

National FFA week is Feb. 20-27, 2016. Check out your local FFA chapter to find fun activities you and your family might enjoy. No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle. ~Winston Churchill

Children's FFA Rodeo

Children's FFA Rodeo


I first noticed my daughter hitting her Pile-ology milestone at 30 months of age when one day she removed all the toys from a toy box to create a pile on the bedroom floor. She studied her pile. She touched her pile. She smiled at her pile. 

Then she grabbed as many things from her pile as would fit in her tiny arms and moved her toys from her bedroom to the living room where she continued to marvel at the pile she created. 

Starting around two years, toddlers begin doing something I call: Pile-ology.  During play, the child experiments with size and quantity concepts. Pile-ology is the study of piles. Children gather quantities of items, with diverse shapes and sizes, from one location and transfer them to study in another location.

This type of play does not seem to be practice for a future career at Mayflower or Graebel Van Lines - as far as I can tell. The Swiss theorist, Dr. Jean Piaget, studied his own children. I can imagine Dr. Piaget sitting in a sandbox with a clipboard, observing his children at play, and recording every movement. The Piagets must have had amazing scrapbooks and family records. I'll bet he was able to answer questions like, "Dad, how old was I when I first used a pincer grasp, said my first word, started pulling to stand, or making piles?"

If you happen to notice your child engaging in Pile-ology the next time he or she is at play… no need to panic or call hoarders anonymous. Pile-ology is a typical milestone. Your little scientist is trying to make sense of this marvelous world we live in.